Beans Broad Windsor Fava Seeds - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.
Beans Broad Windsor Fava Seeds - Ritchie Feed & Seed Inc.

Bean Broad Windsor Fava Seeds | OSC Seeds

OSC 1195

Regular price $2.19
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Long, straight pods with 5 to 6 large, meaty beans per pod. A good, general-purpose varietyHOW TO GROW

1 seed/gram The growth requirements for Fava are mostly the same as other beans. The main difference is that the seeds germinate well in cooler soil with the best top growth and seed fill occurring in the cooler weather of late spring and early summer! Plant the seeds early in the spring about the same time as garden peas.

Blooming Season Begins: Early Summer
Bloom Colour Class: White
Life Cycle: Annual
Propagation: Sow Direct
Days to Emergence: 8
Light: Full Sun
Growth Habit: Requires Support
Height: Tall (> 70 cm)
Frost Tolerance: Frost Tender
Days to Harvest: 65
Degree of Difficulty: Prior Experience Beneficial
Heritage: Heirloom

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